Vitalik Buterin’s Ethereum gas fees bubble

YEREVAN ( — Ethereum transactions involve two main types of gas fees: one for execution and another for storage. The execution fee covers the computational power required to process a transaction. The storage fee, on the other hand, pertains to the cost of storing data, known as “blobs.” This dual fee structure has been a point of contention within the Ethereum community.

EIP 7706: A New EThereum Gas Fee Proposal

Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s co-founder, has proposed a significant change through Ethereum Improvement Protocol (EIP) 7706. This new proposal aims to introduce a third type of gas fee specifically for call data. Call data is the portion of an Ethereum transaction that includes crucial information transmitted to smart contracts.

Vitalik Buterin's EIP-7706 Gas Fee Overhaul Proposal"

Raen Lyon
Vitalik Buterin’s EIP-7706 Gas Fee Overhaul Proposal. Source: Raen Lyon

Currently, the base fee adjustment uses different mechanisms for execution costs and storage in blobs. EIP 7706 suggests a unified approach, incorporating a separate fee for call data. This change could greatly reduce the transaction costs for data-heavy transactions that aren’t computationally intensive.

How the New Gas Model Works

Under the proposed model, Ethereum will allocate unique charges to data transferred during transactions. This would be separate from the costs of executing contract code or storing data. The new transaction type will include max_basefee and priority_fee as vectors, providing values for execution gas, blob gas, and call data gas.

Kyle Chassé on Call Data Gas Fee Benefits"

Kyle Chassé
Call Data Gas Fee Benefits. Source: Kyle Chassé

Buterin’s proposal aims to make call data significantly cheaper. By implementing a separate gas fee for call data, the theoretical maximum call data size of a block would be reduced. This dynamic model would adjust fees simultaneously, potentially leading to lower costs overall.

 EIP-7706's Impact on Gas Fees"

Kyle Chassé
EIP-7706’s Impact on Gas Fees. Source: Kyle Chassé

Despite the potential benefits, this proposal comes with its own set of challenges. The Ethereum network has struggled with high gas fees for years. While the move from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake aimed to enhance scalability and reduce costs, the expected improvements have not fully materialized.

Ethereum Community Remains Unconvinced

The Ethereum community has mixed reactions to EIP 7706. Some see it as a necessary step to address ongoing issues with gas fees, while others are cautious about its implementation. Vitalik Buterin stated,

“This proposal could be a game-changer for Ethereum, but we need to approach it with careful consideration.”

Vitalik Buterin’s EIP 7706 proposal is a bold step toward optimizing Ethereum’s gas fee structure. By separating call data costs from execution and storage fees, the network could see reduced transaction costs for data-heavy transactions. As the Ethereum community deliberates on this proposal, its potential impact on the network’s scalability and cost-efficiency remains a topic of keen interest.

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